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Wall Lights for Double Height Atriums

In architecture, an atrium (plural atria) is a large open space, often several stories high and having a glazed roof and/or large windows, often situated within a home or building and usually located immediately beyond the main entrance doors.  Atria are popular with designers because they give their buildings a feeling of space and light. What requires skill is the lighting of these spaces at night...  These lights should do the job fairly well.

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LED Wall Light Table or Clamp Light - Touch DimmableLED Wall Light Table or Clamp Light - Touch Dimmable

LED Wall Light Table or Clamp Light - Touch Dimmable

2 Options
Lamp and Arm Adjustable and with LED Lamp
Counterbalanced Extending & Adjustable Wall LightCounterbalanced Extending & Adjustable Wall Light

Counterbalanced Extending & Adjustable Wall Light

2 Options
White & Black Flex or Black & Black Flex Finishes
Elegant Extra Wide Wall Light - Bronze with Multi Coloured Crystal Glass by MaserioElegant Extra Wide Wall Light - Bronze with Multi Coloured Crystal Glass by Maserio
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Elegant Extra Wide Wall Light - Bronze with Multi Coloured Crystal Glass by Maserio

Width 1600mm - Great for Large Walls or Spaces
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Double height atrium lighting

Atria lighting can be a problem in commercial and domestic settings. In commercial buildings lights are often used for much of the day and may never be switched off at night. This has a major impact on lamp replacement because of the increased hours. Replacing lamps in commercial building can mean bringing in costly and disruptive access equipment and as a result a fitting may be used that can be re-lamped from above the atrium. This works if crawl space is available, if there is no void or crawlspace then lighting with long life lamps should be used together with a provision to make re-lamping easier.