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Pendant Lighting for Track Systems: Adapters and Solutions

Here we have a selection of light pendants that can be used on a lighting track. This selection is not exhaustive, as you can suspend a variety of lights on a track. When you click through on the lights below, you’ll see the price of the light and the price of the adapter required to use it on your chosen track. This page offers adapters for the following track systems:

  • Signature Single Circuit Track (standard and recessed versions)

  • Basic Track

  • Aesthetic Domestic Track System

  • Basic Mains Track

  • 3-Circuit Track (standard and recessed versions)

Some lights may be prewired to a track adapter, while most are supplied as separate components. Wiring a track adapter requires more precision than wiring a plug, but with careful attention, it is a project that can be handled by a capable DIYer or a qualified electrician. Additionally, the length of the flex often needs to be shortened to suit standard ceiling heights, allowing for a tailored fit.

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Items 1 to 5 of 5.
Grey Bullet Style Light Pendant - Use with a Track AdapterGrey Bullet Style Light Pendant - Use with a Track Adapter

Grey Bullet Style Light Pendant - Use with a Track Adapter

12 Options
Perfect Above Dining Tables and Breakfast Bars
Metal Cone Track Light Pendant - Prewired for use on Signature TrackMetal Cone Track Light Pendant - Prewired for use on Signature Track

Metal Cone Track Light Pendant - Prewired for use on Signature Track

3 Options
Available in Black, White or Copper
Slim Cylinder Pendant - Prewired for use on Signature TrackSlim Cylinder Pendant - Prewired for use on Signature Track
  • Sale
  • 31% OFF

Slim Cylinder Pendant - Prewired for use on Signature Track

3 Options
Black or Brass Finish - Priced to Clear
Pendant Adapter for Single Circuit TrackPendant Adapter for Single Circuit Track

Pendant Adapter for Single Circuit Track

3 Options
Hang a Mains Pendant from Your Track
Items 1 to 5 of 5.